In Memoriam
Here we remember the cherished members of Hinckley Scribblers who are no longer with us. They were not just fellow writers, but friends, mentors, and sources of inspiration. This page is dedicated to honouring their memory and celebrating the indelible mark they left on our group and in our lives. Each individual brought a unique voice and perspective to our shared passion for writing, and their absence is deeply felt.
Their words and stories will continue to live on, inspiring us to pursue our craft with the same dedication and enthusiasm they demonstrated. May their memories serve as a constant reminder of the power of storytelling and the strength of community.

Philip McCormac
In early November 2021 members of the Hinckley Scribblers were saddened by the news of the death of one of our dearest friends, Philip McCormac, after a short illness. Philip was a prolific writer and had numerous westerns and tales of the supernatural published and available in libraries and online. At our meetings he entertained us with excerpts from his latest novel or amusing tales full of his delightfully wicked sense of humour. Philip was a staunch supporter of the group and was always willing to share his knowledge, experience and love of the written word. During his time with Scribblers he ran several workshops and would offer help and encouragement to those who sought his advice. Throughout the weeks and months when the group was unable to meet in person he was a regular on our weekly online sessions. Cheering us all through the depressing days of the pandemic with his mischievous comments and observations. I first met Philip when I joined Hinckley Scribblers in March 2018 and it soon became apparent how fondly he was regarded by all who knew him. Giving him a lift home after our meetings was always a laughter filled excursion and I shall recall the all too brief time I knew him with great affection.
As a measure of the esteem in which he was held by group members who knew him I offer the following tribute written by Brent Kelly.
“He was such a lovely man; I cannot believe he has gone. What a writer, what a man. So humble and always encouraging of everyone and never giving any negative feedback, he always found a positive to focus on. He gave me so much support when I joined the group and it was thanks to his tips and encouragement that I was able to complete my own novel. I will never forget his wicked sense of humour; he was unique and he was ours and I was privileged to know him and benefit from his knowledge and love of writing. Our group has suffered a terrible loss but we will carry on because that is what he would want. God bless, Philip”.
Bob Crockett – On behalf of those Hinckley Scribblers who knew and loved the man. This tribute was published in the National Association of Writer’s Groups Newsletter February 2022.