Each month we feature the work of one of our writers.  This month’s contribution is below.  Archived pieces are here

Stone Age


You held up a stone on a hillside alone

A journey began a seed softly sown 

The rune in your hand, the hand of a thief 

Glowed with mystique as you wrapped it in leaf

Your words held a truth the brashness of youth

Took me to places where sayers still sooth

Where days are divine and planets align

A fleet footed moon you said would be mine

Soon we will sit in a ring by the coast

With us a presence, a plangent, a ghost

And as the night sighs and darkens its skies

Soft watery spheres of tears fill my eyes

The stone that you held now rests by the sea

It waits for the waves it waits to be free.


Brent Kelly