Code of Conduct
1. Members should treat each other with respect and courtesy. Bullying, personal insults or unwelcome sexual attention will not be tolerated.
2. Any criticism or advice offered with regard to any member’s writing should be offered constructively. Those writers seeking constructive criticism can ask the group for comments either before or at the end of their reading. Reflection on the work of others should not be used as an opportunity for personal abuse or destructive critique.
3. While the group does not seek to censor contributions and accepts controversial and challenging subject matter to be an essential part of creative writing it is not acceptable to submit work that is deliberately intended to cause offence and personal distress to other members.
4. The group should be advised prior to reading if any work being offered to the group contains any of the following:
Political opinions, foul language, sexually explicit descriptions, reference to extreme violence, racism or any material liable to cause offence on the grounds of gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, physical or mental disability, appearance or social background.
5. All members of the Hinckley Scribblers Writers Group are required, as a condition of membership, to abide by the Code of Conduct. Failure to do so could lead to exclusion from the group.